
MYORDERS is based on a Microsoft Platform utilizing SQL databases and the dot net framework. Web services are established between the buyers computer system and MYORDERS and between the suppliers computer systems and MYORDERS.

MYORDERS accommodates small vendors with simple Internet access utilizing excel spread sheets to large corporations with complex ERP applications such as SAP and Oracle.

Buyers MYORDERS Sellers
Place orders utilizing in-house procurement systems and processes. Receives electronic purchase order requests from buyers Receives notifications that a new purchase order request was received.
Receive notifications when purchase order requests are rejected or not responded to within a given period Notifies the seller that a new purchase order request was received

Translates the purchase order request into a file format acceptable to the sellers computer system
Logs into MYORDERS to download purchase order requests and change the order status from requested to accepted (please note this can be automated with direct input into the suppliers system)
Receive supplier invoices from MYORDERS Receives invoices from supplier systems

Matches invoices received with the original purchase order request
Pushes invoices to MYORDERS
Receive notifications from MYORDERS of differences between purchase order requests and invoices Notifies buyers and sellers of differences between purchase order requests and invoices Receive notifications from MYORDERS of differences between purchase order requests and invoices
Receive supplier invoices from MYORDERS Pushes invoices to the buyers computer system

Links the goods received note to the buyer and seller

Receives goods received information from the buyers computer system

Matches purchase order requests to invoices to goods received
Receive notifications from MYORDERS of differences between purchase order requests, invoices and goods received Generates a report showing matched and unmatched purchase orders Receive notifications from MYORDERS of differences between purchase order requests, invoices and goods received
Access to reports Access to reports